-Overgeneralizations. -Presentation of Material. -Previous knowledge of the language. -The ability to conceptualize. -Teacher preparation. -T Methods. -Techniques used in the class. -Exposure to L2. -L1 awareness. | -Self confidence. -Academic Self-Confidence -Risk taking. -Internal motivation. -External motivation. -Anxiety -Family pressure. -Personal growth. -Boredom. -Teacher’s personality. -Group work. |
-Policies -Physical environment (class atmosphere). -Mass media. -Immigration policies. -Access to T resources in rural areas. | -Nutrition. -Level of Intellectual Development -Age. -Gender. -Maturity. -Attention span |
- There are many factors that can affect learning, and they can be identified as the chart above shows. The importance of factors that affect learning is to know about this in order to provide our students with planned lessons to facilitate learning.
Miss C_D1
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